In a survey study published by a group of researchers (Gallanhan et al., 2021) data from the United States uncovered that pregnant women within the Black community have been taking less advantage of influenza immunization. For this demographic, there is a lower rate of evidence to report compared to women in other groups.
According to the World Health Organization, since 2012 it is also recommended that providers consider offering pregnant Black women the vaccine more often and regularly. It would be helpful for greater vaccine uptake if the providers associate themselves with a healthcare organization that is serving pregnant women for example government hospitals or childbirth clinics.
There are several methods proven beneficial to assist in achieving immunity for pregnant Black women. The maternal vaccination holds greater importance because the rates for morbidities are higher among women from the non-Hispanic Black community. Following are the three most trending methods to increase the flu vaccine uptake among pregnant women.
Culturally competent patient educational messages
One of the ways to boost vaccines is the use of text message services such as Text4baby. This is a national service that was designed to implement interactive texts that motivate mothers to participate in the process with the intention of vaccination. The infants, pregnant, and postpartum women will get examinations and support for constant evaluation. Millions of people who joined the test run for this service found it useful in seeking encouragement for regular vaccination. Receiving general education about low-cost vaccination is very effective. Those initially not ready to get the vaccine eventually received vaccination in large numbers.
Multicomponent practice-based intervention
Sometimes other health conditions during pregnancy will create a range of co-occurring consequences, such as hypertension and diabetes (most common). The patients need to explore whether they need a change in medication or lifestyle as soon as possible. Medical health professionals from all fields must also be given the education and access to encourage pregnant women from all communities to complete their vaccination. This is one of the easiest ways to beat low adherence to the flu vaccine. This is a kind of health coaching intervention, very easy to apply clinically and in rural settings as well.
Group prenatal care (GPC)
Social influence is a strong predictor of the likelihood of the occurrence of a specific behavior. In the GPC, a unique model of health is followed in which the women are entered in a group based on the same age of their gestational period. They are invited together and facilitated with educational discussions on their scheduled meetings for gaining medical care. When women are engaged in these sessions, they enjoy and relate themselves with each other. It enhances satisfaction and equity. As well as maternal health improved and commitment increased. The maternal and neonatal outcomes are based on the willingness to become a successful patient who receives continued care.
Advantages of influenza immunization, include:
- Reduction in hospitalization
- Reduction in maternal deaths
- Reduction in preterm deaths
- Increased immunity and protection rate of new born babies
When implementing the social, community method of awareness, the trend of sharing the benefits of vaccines with others enhances. When the caregivers who are dealing with this population are given adequate education and awareness then the rate of influenza immunization uptake increases.
Join the crusade. Download and share our free flu vaccine posters:
If you are a caregiver, please download our free Caregiver Flu-Free Zone Poster.
Also, download a copy of our Shield Our Roots 2023 Flu Vaccine Poster for your workplace.